Our denomination's mission partners is Multiply. Their ACTION program is an opportunity to encounter, to trust, and to be transformed by the One who says, "I am the way, the truth and the life." (John 14.6). You will learn about God, yourself, and the global church as you are discipled to share your faith with those who rarely hear the truth of Jesus.

Location: Arabian Peninsula 
On this trip, we want to bring committed disciples of Jesus to Arabia for a trip to pray, learn, connect with locals, camp & climb.


Dates: July 1-15, 2024
Cost:  $4000 USD*
Deposit: $500 due by April 15th
*Includes flights to assignment, meals, training/debrief, and everything in-country. Does not include flight to and from training/debrief.
Questions? Contact Jana here!


These trips provide a platform for building relationships with locals through shared activity and conversations. The setting provides lots of opportunity to live out our faith in community and provide witness to our personal relationships with Jesus among the local people.

These short term opportunities flow from a long term vision: over the next ten years, we pray that 80 people will be moved by the Spirit to come and live incarnationally in the region.